Empty desktop and documents folder after disabling iCloud sync
With the recent upgrade to macOS Sierra I decided to try out the new iCloud sync for desktop files and documents.
After it being stuck syncing for hours and 2 out of control cpu processes (bird and cloudd) causing a blazing cpu fan for hours I decided to cancel it, which didn't go smoothly but after manually killing the 'bird' process and a few reboots it was finally disabled.
Only now the problem was my desktop was empty and all my documents were gone. As it turns out, when you enable iCloud sync it moves all your desktop and documents files to the iCloud drive, and then points the original 'Desktop' and 'Documents' folder to the iCloud folders. But when you disable iCloud sync it does not put anything back, it just leaves all your files in the iCloud drive and then creates new empty 'Desktop' and 'Documents' folders in the original location so you have to manually drag your files back from the iCloud drive to your desktop and documents folder.
Sunday, 08-10-17 03:23
Sunday, 08-10-17 03:25